英文原掌议这布律模座殖钱劳换文:
helen,
thy
beauty
is
t减聚外部会黄准急菜局州o
me
like
th半无八怀发浓西齐ose
nicean
barks
of
yore,
that
斗益儿界面造沙gently,
o'er
a
perfumed
sea,
the
weary,
w作理ayworn
wanderer
bore
to
his
own
native
shore.
on
desperate
sea飞免供改制点花侵推s
long
wont
to
roam,
thy
hy帝走娘布二整里acinth
hair,
thy
classic
face,
thy
naiad
airs
have
brought
me
home
to
the
glory
that
was
greece
and
the
grandeur
that
was
rome.
lo!
in
yon
brilli吗之王创景矛ant
window-niche
how
statue-like
i
see
thee
stand,
the
agate
lamp
within
thy
hand!
ah,
psyche,
from
the
r协egions
which
are
holy
land!
译文帮钢被里另侵练板温:
海伦,你的美在我的眼里,
有如往日尼西亚的三桅船
船行在飘香的海上,悠悠地
把已倦于漂泊的困乏船员
送回他故乡盐脸染转降世国香妒合的海岸。
早已习惯于在怒海系盾镇著料文四上飘荡,
你典雅的脸庞,你行操阶曾货的鬈发,
你水神般的风姿带我返航,
返回那往时的希腊和很罗马,
返回那往时的壮丽和辉煌克被王往苦举起确务致雷。
看哪!壁龛似的明亮窗户唱酒火伯期马代里,
我看见你站着,多像尊雕像,
搞际第吧农头杂攻龙包一盏玛瑙的灯你拿在手上!
塞姬响女神哪,神圣的土地
才是你家乡!
作者是是唯美主义者,十九世纪美国诗人、小说家和文学评论家,其作品唯美的主要表现是在语言和形式上的精致、优美
标签:爱伦