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MY WAY原唱是谁,就是猫王唱过那首?

2024-05-19 12:04:54 编辑:join 浏览量:587

MY WAY原唱是谁,就是猫王唱过那首?

个人认为Chara唱的my way是最出众的。 下载地址:

Frank Sinatra - My Way 这首经典老歌因为<燕尾蝶>里Chara的翻唱而在中国影迷中颇有知名度. My Way最早是首法文歌, 发表于1967, 原唱是殿堂级的法国歌手Claude Francois, 在69年被Paul Anka改为英文歌词由Frank Sinatra演唱, 在影响力上青出于蓝, <燕尾蝶>中也多次出现了Frank的原唱. 但这首歌流传如此广泛, 很大程度上归功于Paul Anka重塑了这首歌的歌词,它表现了一个男人在生命终点回望自己的人生, 曾经的泪水, 挫折, 不过都是可笑的小事, 重要的是一生活的精彩, "I did it my way", 我不仅做到了, 而且是以我自己的方式, 我活的像一个男子汉, 此生无憾. 对于一个经历过沧桑的男人来说, 这首歌应当是相当有共鸣. Frank Sinatra沧桑的嗓音也是对它很好的诠释. And now The end is near And so I face The final curtain My friend I'll say it clear I'll state my case Of which I'm certain I've lived A life that's full I've travelled each And every highway And more Much more than this I did it my way Regrets I've had a few But then again Too few to mention I did What I had to do And saw it through Without exemption I planned Each chartered course Each careful step Along the byway And more Much more than this I dit it my way Yes, there were times I'm sure you knew When I bit off More than I could chew But through it all When there was doubt I ate it up And spit it out I faced it all And I stood tall And did it my way I've loved I've laughed and cried I've had my fill My share of losing And now As tears subside I find it all So amusing To think I did all that And may I say Not in a shy way Oh no Oh no, not me I did it my way For what is a man What has he got If not himself Then he has not To say the things He'd truly feels And not the words Of one who kneels The record shows I took the blows And did it my way Yes it was my way

《My Way》是一首欧美著名英文流行曲,旋律源自法国名曲Comme d'habitude(一如往日),法文原版由克罗德·法兰索瓦(Claude François)、雅克·赫霍(Jacques Revaux)及吉尔·提伯(Gilles Thibaut)在1967年共同创作,随后由保罗·安卡(Paul Anka)改编成英文版,1969年首次收录在法兰·仙纳杜拉同名大碟,自此风靡全球。这首歌不但成为仙纳杜拉的代表作,在流行文化上亦常被用作为告别曲,表示一场表演的结束或一个人的离开。这亦是英国最受欢迎的丧礼挽曲。相比英文版哀伤的曲调,法文版的配乐则有忧伤、轻快、或摇滚版本。

Frank Sinatra - My Way

这首经典老歌因为<燕尾蝶>里Chara的翻唱而在中国影迷中颇有知名度. My Way最早是首法文歌, 发表于1967, 原唱是殿堂级的法国歌手Claude Francois, 在69年被Paul Anka改为英文歌词由Frank Sinatra演唱, 在影响力上青出于蓝, <燕尾蝶>中也多次出现了Frank的原唱. 但这首歌流传如此广泛, 很大程度上归功于Paul Anka重塑了这首歌的歌词,它表现了一个男人在生命终点回望自己的人生, 曾经的泪水, 挫折, 不过都是可笑的小事, 重要的是一生活的精彩, "I did it my way", 我不仅做到了, 而且是以我自己的方式, 我活的像一个男子汉, 此生无憾. 对于一个经历过沧桑的男人来说, 这首歌应当是相当有共鸣. Frank Sinatra沧桑的嗓音也是对它很好的诠释.

frank sinatra唱流行的,


甚至还有个pual anka和F.S的duete,





Frank Sinatra


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